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is not an essential ingredient to learning, it is the essential ingredient.


Play is how kids naturally learn about the world around themselves. Understanding children’s play patterns is key to creating magical environments and products they will love.  At NoodleWorks we are experts in what works for kids and creating charmingly delightful award winning titles. Let us help you build the best product you can.



What makes an interactive experience compelling for children? What turns a simple click or tap into a magical interchange?

To create great products for children designers need to understand the nature and value of intrinsic motivation, play patterns, dynamics of attention, and multiple strategies for continued engagement. Knowing what delights and excites a child’s imagination allows a developer a deliver a satisfying experience that brings kids back again and again for more. Let us help you design a product that will win awards and enchant children everywhere.

Play is how children naturally learn about the world. It is in their DNA to explore, and they are curious about everything. As Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers) said; “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. … Play is the real work of childhood.”  At NoodleWorks we believe that building apps and activities that mirror children’s instinctive play patterns is the best way to engage their interest and keep it. Kids know how to learn, we just need to give them what they need and get out of the way.

At NoodleWorks we are experts in how to craft activities that are magical to children. Apps that delight, inspire and keep them coming back for more. We make ourselves available to support your project in what ever way possible. The earlier we join in the design and production process, the better we are able to constructively help craft an environment, characters, audio flavor and delivery engine that targets your company's design and budget goals.

We don’t offer just consulting, we collaborate. When you work with us, we teach as well as design. Your team will gain new skills and understanding of what works for kids, and their parents and teachers.


San Franciso Bay Area, CA •

© 2019  NoodleWorks Interactive, LLC — All rights reserved

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