Want to enhance your team’s knowledge of a specific subject? Interested in upping your creative mojo? As an expert in children’s interactive design Mark speaks regularly about subjects related to great game and app design. He has given over 60 lectures and talks over his career. A few talks cover: Working with Creative Teams, The Art of the Animated Hot Spot, How to Pick Content for Digital Conversion, Creating Magical eBooks, Supporting Language Acquisition, The Art of Getting and Keeping a Child’s Attention, Understanding PLAY, The Magic of Surprise, and Creating Invitations for Play. You can hire him to speak to your team.
You can view some of his previous talks in the Video Archives >>
Dust or Magic Institute (USA)
Bologna Children's Book Fair, Masterclass
Sesame Workshop
MamaBear Family Technology Conference
Educational Publishers Association
Game Design Conference
Digital Kids
Fisher/Price, Smithsonian Multimedia Series
Stanford University’s Professional Publishing Course
The California Governor's Conference on Art and Tech.
Santa Clara University
Dust or Magic Conference (UK)
Computer Game Developers Conference
American Booksellers Association
Mac World
American Library Association
Zerox Parc
Fortune 500 “Breakfast” Gathering